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Long-wavelength fluctuations and the
glass transition in 2D and 3D

2D materials are very different from their 3D counterparts. Take graphene for example. Phase transitions like crystallization are also known to be very different in 2D and 3D. In fact the recipients of the 2016 Nobel prize in physics (Kosterlitz and Thouless) did pioneering work in 2D phase transitions.
In our work we look at the affect of dimensionality on the glass transition.
We find that long-wavelength fluctuations similar to those that cause differences in 2D and 3D crystals, also affect dynamics in 2D glasses, but do not cause a fundamental distinction between 2D and 3D glass transitions.
S Vivek, CP Kelleher, PM Chaikin, ER Weeks "Long Wavelength Fluctuations and the Glass Transition in 2D and 3D" PNAS 114 (8), 1850-1855
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